JIM LEHRER: Now how all of this looks to our regional commentators: Lee Cullum of the Dallas Morning News; Robert Kittle of the San Diego Union Tribune; Mike Barnicle of the Boston Globe; Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Constitution; and Patrick McGuigan of the Daily Oklahoman. Lee, how do you think the attorney general did before the House committee today?
LEE CULLUM, Dallas Morning News: Jim, I thought she did very well. I thought she held her own. I like her imperturbability, and I think that she should be very pleased with her performance today. You know, I find support for her in this part of the country which surprised me actually because Dallas tends to be very Republican. Of course, there are those who stay she’s weak administratively, but they’ve said that for a number of months, if not years, but I found in talking to people about her the last two or three days I have found that especially young professional and businessmen speak well of her. They say that she’s a decent public servant in a very difficult circumstance. So I don’t think her reputation is suffering from this campaign funds crisis.
JIM LEHRER: You think so, Cynthia, her reputation is suffering?